Thursday, May 27, 2004

Another School Year is Done

Well today is my kids' last day of school! DD just finished her final bit of Science for the year, and so she is done. DS gets out at noon today, and then he is done for the year! This brings up another question for me.

What has happened with the raising of children over the past couple of decades where the kids are no longer allowed to carry their backpacks/bookbags on the last day of school? I do not ever remember being so destructive as to consider taking eggs or shaving cream or anything else to school to play pranks on the last day of school, and I don't remember any of my friends doing it either...we weren't allowed to consider taking such items to school, unless they were to be used for an educational purpose. But these days on the last day of school, I won't let my children walk home alone, or play outside for the first hour or so after school lets out, because although the kids can't take this stuff to school, they tend to hide it around the neighborhood to use after school.

DD says that there are kids who want to celebrate being out of school by vandalizing. What happened to just being loud and obnoxious, in a non-destructive way? Why have parents allowed their children to act in this manner in the first place. I know that if I had tried any of the stunts I have seen the past few years, my bottom would have been so sore I could not sit for a week. Which brings me to another issue.

Parents are so concerned about hurting the child, or damaging their psyche, that they do not spank their children in a loving way anymore. As a matter of fact, no matter how you spank a child today it is considered child abuse! Some children learn best through their bottom ends. I have one like that, I have another to whom that type of punishment does not work, and he needs a different technique, which assists much better in behavior modification. However, I know that if either one of my children ever attempted the vandalism activities that have caused schools to banish back packs on the last day of school, neither of them would see the light of day, aside from through the windows of their bedrooms for quite awhile!

I am just disgusted that the school is having to enforce this ridiculous procedure, even though the last day of school is a total joke to begin with, and I would have no problem with my children skipping the last week every year! All learning actually stopped sometime last week in ny DS's class, so why didn't school just end at that point? I don't see any reason for having a 4 day week of parties and fluff just to meet the state mandated number of school days. THe state mandates the number of school days, but does not mandate enough curriculum to fill them. Whats wrong with that picture?

OK I've ranted on about this long enough! What do you all think?

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Privacy on The Internet - My thoughts from WG's Blog

Ack I had this 2/3rds edited the other day, and the stupid MSN ate my mouse...again! So I finally got an opportunity to try again at this one!

If I were to truly desire to be anonymous on the Internet, I probably could, not because I'm technically savvy enough to do it, but because my DH is! However at the same time, I have no desire to be, and have very little use for people who hide behind some sort of fake account to say things that aren't very nice. I was raised that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all! I also believe that if I have something to say, I want the person to whom I am speaking to have that same opportunity to respond to my comments.

If you are going to be rude and pick on someone else's feelings, think about the last time you felt that same way yourself. Just because we are parents does not mean that we have lost our individuality or our own feelings. I know that there have been times when I have built up a day or an event in my mind and my kids and husband have not lived up to my expectations, and I have felt the same type of dissappointment that WG was feeling on Mother's Day. It is hard not to sometimes. At the same time, I do not let on my disappointment to them, as it is not their fault. My children are one of the biggest blessings in my life, and I love them dearly! Am I ever disappointed with tehir actions? Yes! Do I still love them unconditionally, even when I am disappointed? YES again! Am I allowed to have my own dreams, and be disappointed with the way reality turns out? Again, the answer is yes!

A blog, although not private, is not something that you necessarily let your kids read, since it is like a diary where you can compile your thoughts and feelings and sort them out yourself, with the help of firends that you have chosen to share it with, plus the casual voyeur that visits and you are unaware of!

This is my space to talk about what I feel and how I am dealing with things. If I choose to share certain items with my children, then that is my right. If I elect not to, that to is my choice! I realize that by publishing this on the Internet it is available for the world to see, and that I may occasionally receive comments from people who disagree with my point of view. But remember this is MY opinion, and you are free to have your own, however, please be honest in your disagreement with me, so that I have the opportunity to talk to you regarding what it is that we disagree on, so that we can either reach a resolution or walk away agreeing to disagree. Anonymity is not attractive, and does not encourage people to take you seriously! Just my opinion on the subject at hand! What's yours?

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Whew Another Week is Done!!!

My MBA program has a really screwy week schedule! The weeks run Thursday through Wednesday! So as you read earlier this week I had a tough weekend, and didn't get any of my school work done, I had to do it all in the last 3 days! So I had 2 individual papers of 700-1050 words to write 2 team papers of the same length, plus 1 team paper that was only 200 words long. These were all due between Monday and today. Needless to say, I haven't blogged for a couple of days, for that reason! I got all those done and turned in, and now I have a fresh week to start tomorrow and get a better grasp on papers for! My plan is to work on my individual stuff tomorrow and Friday so that I have the majority of it out of the way before I start the weekend and all the teamwork again! Right now I am just exhausted and am awaiting the moment that I can put the kids to bed so I can head that way myself!

On other fronts, I am feeling better again now that I know someone is reading this and knows that I am alive. I have these funks every once in awhile, and when they hit sometimes it takes a little extra to pull me back out of them. Its not PreMS, its almost like Post MS when they normally hit, and I have no real explanation for them, but I get over it and bounce back!

DH finishes class number 6 on his MBA path tonight, and that will be a great relief too, since he has a difficult instructor. Yeah!

He had an interesting experience driving home from work yesterday. He put his car window down and heard a loud explosion and the window dropped to the bottom of the door. He had no idea what happened and he couldn't stop to check it on the freeway, so he made sure he was OK and drove on home. He says that he expected to find a bullet hole in the car door when he looked, but there was none. Apparently what happened is that his "window governor" exploded inside the door. He is OK the glass was fine, he just needs to replace this part, so that he can lock his car again! That is on his agenda to do after school tonight! It was pretty scary, but since he is OK I am not worried the car is fixable!

That's all my big news for tonight, since its almost bedtime, I hope you all have a great evening, and I will blog more soon!

Monday, May 17, 2004

TWBB Spawned Thought

Last night on the TWBB there was a thread that discussed how someone was feeling that no one ever listens to them. I know the feeling well, since I have small children that listen when they want to. However it matched the way I've felt all weekend, that I had to blog about it. This weekend, I have felt that if I just dropped off the face of the earth no one would notice. Its just a funk that I am going through, that has to do with starting a new class and adapting to new teammates schedules and the way they work and DH not having a particularly great mood all weekend and this and that. I will get over it, but it normally takes a couple of days (that I don't have)

I have no idea if anyone reads this, or even cares about it, and at this point it doesn't much matter to me, as I need this outlet to get my thoughts out, and since I'm always at the computer, this is the easiest way to vent! If you are out there, please let me know!

I just feel like I do so much for other people that isn't necessarily acknowledged. For example awhile ago I did something nice anonymously for someone, and although other people did stuff for this person and let the person know who they were, and got thanked. There was never anything made known to me that the anonymous gift had been received. I wonder if the person I entrusted to handle this even let them know that it was not from the trusted person. I do things anonymously, since I do not want public recognition by name, but it would be nice to know that it was appreciated anyway...oh well, I have now learned my lesson.

My neighbor that I have been running kids around for is starting to get better, and her DIL is here to help with the kids, so that's another hole in my life that I need to fill, since I've kinda gotten used to running her kids around, and will miss it. Anyway all this different stuff built up over the weekend!

If I were to vanish I know that my family would notice, but would anyone else? I doubt it!

Friday, May 14, 2004

Blog Day 3 The Cat Came Back

Last summer we got a new puppy who replaced our beloved 12 year old dog. We also have 2 cats. One cat decided to hide in DD's bedroom, and still hangs out tehre most of the time. The other cat left, and decided to become an outdoor only cat. I missed her a great deal, since she used to come cuddle with me while I was reading in bed at night! Well last night about 11:30 she decided to come back in and want to be cuddly again. When she came back she woke me up with a pounce, step, step, sted and a mreow in my ear. I spent 45 minutes petting her and letting her know how happy I was to have her back before I couldn't stay awake any longer. I was so happy to have her back in bed with me that I did not mind losing sleep. However tonight I'm trying to work on school and am falling asleep at the keyboard here!

I hope she comes in again for cuddles tonight, but at a slightly earleir hour, so that I can get the sleep I desperately need. I am not sure how my new class is going to go yet, since I don't know my teammates, but am looking forward to working with them! I have promised myself that if I can get a good portion of my schoolwork done tonight, then I will take some time to stitch this weekend! However, as you can see, instead of doing my school I am procrastinating here!

That is all the excitement in my life today, and I hope something really great happens tomorrow, so I have something even more exciting to share. I know that I need to find a stitcher's 5 or something else for next week, if I want to keep this blog updated regularly!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Blog Day 2

Well Today was very similar to yesterday, but I truly started Tax today. I have all my stuff for that done so far. Yay! TOmorrow I have to seriously start on my homework for next week, but that should not be too bad!

Both kids had dentist appointments today. DD had her first orthodontist appointment today, she's not ready yet, and we probably have another year before we have to start putting big dollars into her mouth! DS needs a baby tooth and an extra tooth pulled, so he's going to have fun this summer. At least they will wait until swim team is over. Which means, he'll either have to get it done the morning I leave for Vegas, or the following week. I somewhat hope its the day I go or while I'm gone, so that DH can handle it. Just once it would be nice to not have to handle something like that!

I have set myself a goal to attempt to write here weekly at the least frequent, and daily at the most! Since this is only my second day, we will see how I do in the future!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Welcome to my Blog!

I am not sure why I am doing this now, but I have been wanting to start blogging for some time now. I had planned on waiting until I finished my MBA program, but I find that occasionally I have time between clas work and want to write, so here I am!

I do not know how often I will update this blog, but my goal will be to post something new at least once a week. Right now I am 1/2 through Accounting Theory, start Tax tomorrow, and then 6 weeks from now will start my capstone course. So I am almost done. Join me for this journey, and meet my DH, DD and DS along the way. This is my family and my support group for my MBA program and my preferred reasons for living!

DH is also taking a MBA program, but is about a year behind me in it! DD is homeschooled, and we love it. DS is currently attending the local public school, but I plan on homeschooling him in a year or so!

I love to cross stitch, but have been in a stitching slump for a couple of months now, partially due to lack of time and exhaustion when I am done with school, and partially due to the fact that I have been reading several good books in what little spare time I have!

I look forward to maintaining my blog, and figuring out how to add many of the neat features that I see on other blogs. I hope that you will join me in my unique path in this journey called life. As I explore my path further, I will share neat things that I find along the way, I hope you enjoy them too!