Thursday, May 19, 2005

Book Meme

Because Ann wanted to see this one in my blog, I'm doing it!

1. Total number of books I've owned.

I've owned tons and tons (and I do mean by weight) of books over the years. In numbers this translates into thousands. At this point in time, I would say DH probably owns about 400, DD 300, DS 150 and me 1,000+. Some of these books are stored in boxes, and haven't been pulled out for awhile, so they'll be like new once I find them again! When we moved out here 13 years ago, we had approximately 17 tons of stuff, a goodly portion of that weight came from books, which is why I answered the way I did!

2. Last book I bought.

I bought this book on Monday at Costco for my plane trip in 2 weeks! It is two books in one by Amanda Quick. They are "Seduction" and "Surrender". They are both light quick reads, that I can pick up or put down as the need arises.

3. Last book I read.

I finished it yesterday, "Birthright" by Nora Roberts. I'm currently reading "The Secret Language of Girlfriends" by Karen Neuburger.

4. 5 books that mean a lot to me.

This is a tough question, since there are many books that mean a lot to me! But anyway, here goes!
  1. The Bible
  2. Oh The Thinks You Can Think
  3. Drummer Hoff
  4. Gone With the Wind
  5. Green Eggs and Ham

5. Which 5 people would you most like to see fill this out in their blogs?

I doubt, I'll ever live down tagging these people, but at least I'll find out how many of them read my blog! LOL Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

An Itsy one tagged me yesterday. My first thought was "Ack, now I have to do creative writing!" So here's my attempt at creative writing, and then I have to tag three more people, and let them know either in their comments field, or via e-mail or some way that I've elected to tag them! Help, most people I know have already been tagged!

So here goes: I have to pick five things from the following list, and then complete the sentence, and then go on and tag another 3 people. Right then....
If I could be a scientist . . .
If I could be a farmer . . .
If I could be a musician . . .
If I could be a doctor . . .
If I could be a painter . . .
If I could be a gardener . . .
If I could be a missionary . . .
If I could be a chef . . .
If I could be an architect . . .
If I could be a linguist . . .
If I could be a psychologist . . .
If I could be a librarian . . .
If I could be an athlete . . .
If I could be a lawyer . . .
If I could be an inn-keeper . . .
If I could be a professor . . .
If I could be a writer . . .
If I could be a llama-rider . . .
If I could be a bonnie pirate . . .
If I could be an astronaut . . .
If I could be a world famous blogger . . .
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world . . .
If I could be married to any current famous political figure

So those are the sentences I have to complete!

1. If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...I would be a US Supreme Court Justice and I would work towards reducing the number of frivilous/ridiculous lawsuits and work towards teaching people to take responsibility for their own actions, rather than suing corporations.

2. If I could be a librarian...I would manage the most comprehensive library in the world. It would have every book ever published available in it, politically correct or not!

3. If I could be a missionary...I would carry the love of Jesus to every person on the planet, not just through words, but through my actions and my life.

4. If I could be a professor...which I can be, with my education! I would probably be teaching a few accounting classes, hopefully at an advanced enough level that my students were all interested in the subject, but I'd also enjoy an introductory level class where I could share my love of the field with undecided students, and hopefully nurture a love of the field in them!

5. If I could be a doctor...I would work in the research field towards discovering a new and better cure for leukemia (particularly ALL).

Now I have to find 3 people to tag that haven't been tagged already. If I can't find anyone, I'll have to skip that part of this exercise!

Monday, May 16, 2005

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by 2 people, and I'm working on the first one. Now does this mean I have to double the requirements? I'll get it posted soon, just struggle with creative writing! LOL Thanks for your patience!