Sunday, March 20, 2005

Thirteen Years Ago Today

I said "I Do" to the most wonderful man in the world. Today, I'm taking a few minutes out of my normal boring life to write something to him! So without further ado, I want to wish my DH a very happy anniversary with a few of my special memories of our life together!

We've been through a lot in the past thirteen years, but you mean the world to me. When we decided to merge your habitual lateness with my habitual earliness, I thought we would manage to compromise with being right on time most of it, but we haven't. Sometimes I've prevailed and we've been early, and sometimes you've prevailed and we've been late, but most importantly we've been together!

We've had good times and bad. We've laughed and cried and you've put up with me through all my moods. From PMS to insecurities, from the happiest of happies to the saddest of sads, you've always been there for me! ALthough I may not always express myself as well as I should, you've helped me work through so much in life, I could not imagine being without you. You are my partner and my world!

I wish there were words to express how I feel, and how much you mean to me. You have provided me with two wonderful children who keep us busier than we ever imagined we could be kept. You've supported me in adventures through this world that thirteen years ago I never dreamed we would choose to follow. You supported me through sickness and in health. I think during this marriage, we have lived our wedding vows to the fullest and I look forward to many more years of doing the same.

I could not find a generic card that would come close to expressing how I feel about you and all we've been through, so this is my way of telling you (and the world) that I am proud to have you for my husband and would not trade you for anything! For my DH, the bottom line is I love you with all my heart!


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