Thursday, July 08, 2004

Well Its Been a Long Time! Another Random Set of Posts

I have been really bad about updating this recently, probably because I am sick of computers and sitting here all day typing various and sundry papers! I have two weeks left on my MBA and am really burning out rapidly. I would rather be somewhere else curled up and stitching at this point, than behind the computer at all! Unfortunately, I need to finish my MBA and while I'm working on that I get distracted by the TWBB!
Speaking of the TWBB, there have been a lot of upset people over there recently, and although I understand their point and why they feel the way they do, I do not necessarily agree with them. I hope that makes sense. There have been missed communications between various people which have led to members of the community feeling like there are too many stories and not knowing quite what to believe. This all makes me sad, since as part of a community is misunderstandings and disagreements in philosophies. There is no where anyone can go without running into these issues to some degree. Although there are certain places you can go in real life where you are more apt to find people who agree with you on certain issues, you will also find that there are different levels of passion about the issues and then there are disagreements regarding other things. The ONLY person in the whole wide world that agrees with you 100% in ideals, intensity, and idiosyncracies is you! In others you should expect some form of disagreement, and that disagreement should be stated respectfully, it is not always done. This is what led to some of the issues seen on the TWBB recently. At least this is my opinion and observations from reading about it. I didn't say anything at the time, since I normally remain fairly quiet on the serious subjects, this is my place to play and have fun.

I am deeply saddened with the losses and rifts that have occurred in the community recently, and hope that as time passes and wounds heal things will straighten back out. I do not know if this post will help things at all, but this is my place to write about what is important to me.
We have a problem in my house, and it could potentially become a BIG problem! Our new puppy is a water dog! Tuesday night, she jumped right into the swimming pool (we have a diving pool) in the deep end! Fortunately DD was there and helped her swim to the steps! This was after her antics Tuesday morning when she jumped into my shower! As soon as we got her dried off, and DD was taking her shower, the puppy jumped in there with DD as well!

Then yesterday morning, while I was frantically trying to write a paper that was due last night, I heard a scraping sound in the kitchen, then I heard splashes and soggy "plops" (like the sound of wet barefeet, so I get up to investigate! What did I see? The puppy had dragged the big dogs water dish across the kitchen while wading in and out of it, and was splashing water all over the kitchen floor! Although I wanted to fuss at her I couldn't because she looked up at me with these big innocent puppy eyes, and a grin on her face as if to say, "But Mom, I'm having fun" so I did the only thing any self respecting mother of a puppy would do...I laughed and cleaned it up!
Speaking of the puppy, who is teething and very chewy at this point, we have coined a new term "furrigator" with these teeth she is an alligator with fur!
Well I think that is enough rambling for now! I still have tons more to share, but I won't bore you with it all at once!


Blogger Annette said...

2 Weeks! You can do it! You can make it! Go Margaret Go!!!!!

...and the BB will survive. It always does ;)

7:56 PM  

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