Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Warped Logic

DD came to me this morning with a list of cities asking if I knew any BBer's who lived there. I stated that I knew of people who lived in the general vicinity of several of the cities on the list. Upon questioning her as to what she was up to, she explained to me that she wanted to give me a birthday present of a trip to one of these cities with her father (DH) and herself to see Hilary Duff!

Now, Hilary Duff is one of the less obnoxious pop singers these days, but trust me this is not a concert I would choose to attend if I could possibly avoid it! I told her that this was not a birthday present for me, but an excuse for her to go see this concert, and I did not appreciate my birthday being used in such a manner. However, she has continued to push the issue, thinking this is simply the greatest birthday present of all time! I'm trying to decide who I would truly like to see for my birthday now....maybe Jimmy Buffet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to love that logic!!

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOps, forgot to add my name. :) --Kari

7:34 AM  

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